Artificial Intelligence

Hoop Raises $5M to Revolutionize Task Management with AI-Powered To-Do Lists

Hoop, a newly emerged productivity startup created by the former Trello employees, is aimed at revolutionizing the way people manage tasks with the help of artificial intelligence.

By Business OutstandersPUBLISHED: June 6, 17:16

Hoop, a newly emerged productivity startup created by the former Trello employees, is aimed at revolutionizing the way people manage tasks with the help of artificial intelligence. Hoop, that is the company that is launching the application, has recently secured $5m in seed funding from Index Ventures, Origin Ventures, Divergent Capital, and Chingona Ventures to address this problem. 

The most significant feature of Hoop is its ability to leverage AI to extract possible tasks from Google Meet, Zoom meetings, and Slack messages now, and extend this to Email and other platforms in the future. This is an artificial intelligence designed to help in task tracking where a to-do list is created and monitored without any human interaction. 

Created by Stella Garber, Brian Schmidt, and Justin Gallagher, Hoop taps into the founders’ prior experiences at Trello. Hoop’s CEO is Garber, who before joining the company worked as a marketing director at Trello. Gallagher was the first product person at Trello and created the mobile app and Schmidt was in charge of operations, finance and legal at Trello. Garber indicated that the creation of Hoop was inspired by the need to replicate the early days of Trello and address the modern world where people are overwhelmed with meetings and messages. 

They understood the necessity of constructing a platform for tasks management based on AI from scratch instead of adding AI elements as an addition to already existing tools. Right now, Hoop is mostly centered on establishing a solid experience for individual users, although work on team capabilities is expected in the near term. Garber notes that as of now, Hoop appears to be a simple to-do list, although the company plans to introduce additional perspectives in the future. Besides institutional investors, many angel ones joined Hoop, including Wade Foster (Zapier CEO), Job van der Voort (Remote CEO), Andy Dunn (ex-Bonobos CEO), Annie Duke (World Series of Poker)

Hoop’s mission is to elevate productivity through the removal of all the tedious processes that surround work and automation, utilizing the specific experience of its creators and investors.