5 Top Inspiring Business Leaders to Watch in 2024

Howard Rosen: Redefining Leadership and Healthcare Innovation at Nova Insights

Howard Rosen, CEO of Nova Insights, is a pioneering leader in health innovation. With a background in film, television, and HealthIT, Howard brings a unique perspective to patient engagement and digital transformation.

By Business Outstanders
Howard Rosen: Redefining Leadership and Healthcare Innovation at Nova Insights

There is also conclusiveness that comes with the use of the phrase “born leader” on the basis of genetics of leadership. Even though characteristic features like charisma, being humble, using humor, etc. , are genetic, primary leadership competencies, like communication, goal setting, and strategic thinking are acquired and can be improved. All managers have a definition of success in their own perspective depending on their achievement. 

Fulfilling Your Mission Despite Obstacles 

As Howard Rosen, CEO of Nova Insights stated, success, according to him, is achieving your mission, yes it’s possible to be successful when your mission is to prove that you can triumph in the face of hate. His motto is to establish business good, sociable good and personal good and then generate a legacy. “If we are likely to be here for 70-80 years, why not optimize it  for other successors?” he adds. 

Embracing Challenges as Growth Opportunities 

Competition is good because it creates possibility of change and new ideas. Let me quote again a statement of Howard, which draws attention to the fact that a challenge is something that is searched for: ‘Barriers or impediments should be seen as challenges causing a search for ways of how to overcome them. ’ He stated that every time there is resistance, it is a sign that something should be taken further. The best course is to go by your first feel on when to go for it and when to fold. 

Redefining Healthcare with Nova Insights 

Since creating a health innovation company from the ground up in emerging HealthIT, which he mentions taking place in the late 2000’s, Howard now consults in the area of innovation strategy, Health IT and engagement through Nova Insights. Howard has a Schulich MBA and twenty years of experience in the competitive field of film & television production and this insight contributes to the strategy of engaging patients. 

Nova Insights is Howard’s third service provision, the others being film & television industry plus HealthIT inventor. Currently, his topic is Humanizing Digital Transformation, where the aim is to help senior leaders to look at the technological upgrade from the perspectives of internal and external customers. McKinsey’s report confirms this approach stating that the majority of digital initiatives, that is 75 percent do not achieve their goals, let alone in the healthcare sector where digital transformations success rate ranges from 4 to 11 percent only. 

Howard’s Career Path and Recognitions 

Howard embarked on his career in film & Television, where he produced educational programs and promos. While he was conducting a diabetes education project in 2005 alongside a project on promoting the use of mobile devices, he noted a possible application of cell phones. This insight gave birth to LifeWIRE which is a web based solution for health engagement. Since then, he is a holder of six patents alongside various achievements that include being among the Rockefeller Foundation Top 100 Next Century Innovators. 

Life Before Nova Insights 

Before establishing Nova Insights, Howard was the CEO/Founder of LifeWIRE that developed from the one-man business to the company functioning in the USA and Canada with clients in the both state and the private spheres. 

Future Plans for Nova Insights 

Nova Insights’s vision is to deliver the optimal health outcomes because it offers options and directions that can help patients get the care that they need and in the way that they prefer. Howard wants clinicians, providers and care workers to be able to do their best and not just be content with ‘just okay. ’ 

Balancing Personal and Professional Life 

Howard also finds ways to strike a balance , for instance, playing the guitar, walking his dog and, he also advises others to step aside from work and have a break or even just take a walk. He admits that push-backs are good signs that they ‘have a good idea,’ and introduces his golden rule for leadership: people should trust their intuition on knowing when to go full steam ahead and when to stop and listen.

Howard Rosen | CEO of Nova Insights

Howard Rosen, CEO of Nova Insights, is a pioneering leader in health innovation. With a background in film, television, and HealthIT, Howard brings a unique perspective to patient engagement and digital transformation. His creation of LifeWIRE, a cloud-based health management solution, earned him six patents and numerous accolades.

"I think that if we are going to be here for 70-80 years, why not make the best of it and for others who follow."


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