
Todd McNabb: The Visionary Leader Who is Revolutionizing IT Operations with ScienceLogic

With over 20 years of experience in expanding into new markets and scaling sales operations, Todd has solidified his position as a thought leader in the IT industry.

By Business OutstandersPUBLISHED: June 10, 13:29
Todd Mcnabb

In an era of rapid technological advancement, it's not uncommon for companies to struggle to stay ahead of the curve. But for Todd McNabb, Currently Chief Revenue Officer at PROS, the goal is not just to keep pace with innovation, but to lead the charge. With over 20 years of experience in expanding into new markets and scaling sales operations, Todd has solidified his position as a thought leader in the IT industry.

Todd Mcnabb was the Former President and Chief Revenue Officer ar ScienceLogic, Under Todd's leadership, ScienceLogic has emerged as a leader in AIOPS (Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations and Observability), a field that is transforming the way organizations approach IT management. With a focus on simplifying and automating IT monitoring, ScienceLogic has developed a robust management platform that helps drive better financial outcomes for customers.

Todd's approach to leadership is rooted in his philosophy of creating a vision and rallying employees around it. He believes that setting a purpose lays the foundation for a vision-driven organization, and provides clear KPIs to the team. This approach has allowed ScienceLogic to stay focused on its mission, even in the face of uncertainty and disruption.

But Todd's success is not just about his leadership style. It's also about his ability to stay ahead of the curve, embracing new technologies and innovations that can help his company stay competitive. As a pioneer in AIOPS, Todd has been at the forefront of the development of generative AI, which he sees as having a significant impact on the industry.

One of Todd's greatest strengths is his ability to inspire and motivate his team. He believes that leaders should lead by example, and that inspirational accountability is key to driving results. This approach has allowed him to build a team of highly motivated and dedicated individuals who are passionate about ScienceLogic's mission.

Advice for Young Entrepreneurs

Todd's advice for young entrepreneurs is simple: "Don't let failures or setbacks derail your focus. Stay committed to your goals and keep pushing forward. And always remember to lead by example and inspire your team through your actions."

A Message from Todd McNabb

"I believe that AIOPS has the potential to transform the way we approach IT operations. It's not just about automating processes, but about using technology to drive better business outcomes. At ScienceLogic, we're committed to staying at the forefront of this trend, and I'm excited to see what the future holds."


Todd McNabb is a true visionary leader who is revolutionizing the way we approach IT operations. With his focus on innovation, customer outcomes, and team motivation, he has built a company that is truly changing the game. Whether you're an entrepreneur looking for inspiration or a business leader looking for guidance, Todd McNabb's story is one worth paying attention to.