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Networking and Relationship Building: Expanding Your Influence

By Business OutstandersPUBLISHED: October 8, 11:54UPDATED: October 8, 12:09
Networking and Relationship Building

In today’s fast-paced and interconnected world, your success often hinges not just on what you know, but on who you know. The art of networking and relationship building has evolved into one of the most powerful tools for personal and professional growth. Whether you’re looking to climb the corporate ladder, start a business, or simply broaden your horizons, effective networking can expand your influence and open doors you never thought possible.

Brian Snodgrass, Vice President of Product & Technology at Terryberry, emphasizes, “In an increasingly digital world, the ability to form meaningful, face-to-face connections is more valuable than ever. Authentic relationships built on trust are the cornerstone of both personal and professional success.” 

But where do you start? How do you approach networking in a way that feels genuine, rather than transactional? Let’s explore the essential strategies for building lasting relationships and expanding your reach.

And, of course, don't forget that keeping a pulse on your team's morale through employee pulse survey tools is just as important in fostering relationships internally. It all begins with understanding the value of human connections.

Why Networking Matters

Networking is often misunderstood as simply collecting business cards or adding connections on LinkedIn. But it’s so much more. At its core, networking is about creating authentic relationships built on trust and mutual respect. When done correctly, these relationships lead to opportunities that can help you both personally and professionally.

Snodgrass adds, “Strong networks are built over time, and they thrive when you focus on the quality of the connections, not just the quantity. It’s the relationships that you invest in that truly make a difference when new opportunities arise.”

Whether you're looking to explore new career paths, learn from industry experts, or share your knowledge, networking provides a platform to do so. According to a LinkedIn survey, 85% of job placements happen through some form of networking. It's clear that forming strong connections can be the difference between stagnation and career growth.

The Power of Genuine Connections

A key to successful networking is building authentic relationships. People can tell when you're being disingenuous or only seeking personal gain. Building a genuine connection means taking the time to understand what the other person values and figuring out how you can help them. 

The best networkers are great listeners. They focus on how they can add value to others, rather than what they can take. When you approach networking with an open heart and a giving mindset, you build a reputation as someone trustworthy and dependable.

Strategies for Effective Networking

Effective networking doesn’t just happen at conferences or formal events. It can happen anywhere – from a casual conversation at a coffee shop to online communities related to your field. Here are some strategies to help you get started:

  1. Leverage Social Media: Platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and even Instagram have become valuable tools for connecting with like-minded individuals. Don’t be afraid to engage with posts, send direct messages, or comment on content that resonates with you.

  2. Attend Industry Events: Whether it’s virtual or in person, industry events are prime opportunities for making connections. Come prepared with questions, and always follow up with those you meet.

  3. Volunteer: Offering your time or expertise to a cause or community project is a great way to meet people and showcase your skills. Plus, it helps build rapport naturally without the pressure of a formal networking event.

  4. Be Curious: Showing genuine interest in others makes a lasting impression. Ask insightful questions, listen actively, and engage thoughtfully in conversations. People appreciate when someone takes an interest in their experiences and insights.

  5. Follow Up: After meeting someone, it’s essential to follow up. Whether it’s a quick thank-you email or a message on social media, staying in touch keeps the relationship alive and shows that you value the connection.

Building Relationships That Last

Once you’ve made a connection, the real work begins—nurturing and maintaining that relationship over time. Building a network isn’t about adding names to a list; it’s about creating meaningful relationships that last. This requires ongoing effort, communication, and collaboration.

According to Snodgrass, “Networking is about building relationships that last. At Terryberry, we focus on tools and solutions that foster meaningful recognition and connection, which ultimately strengthen professional networks and help individuals feel valued in their roles.” 

Give Before You Ask

One of the most important aspects of maintaining strong relationships is to give before you ask for something. Offer your help, share resources, or connect someone with a person in your network. By being generous with your time and energy, you strengthen the relationship and position yourself as someone who adds value.

Stay in Touch

Regular communication is key to relationship building. Even if you don’t need something from your network immediately, staying in touch helps keep the relationship warm. Send a quick message to check in, congratulate them on their achievements, or share an article you think they’d enjoy.

Collaboration and Partnerships

Networking should lead to collaboration. Whether it’s co-hosting an event, launching a project together, or simply exchanging ideas, working together deepens relationships. It also allows you to leverage the strengths of others to achieve mutual goals.

Create Win-Win Scenarios

When you build relationships based on mutual benefit, everyone wins. Networking is not a zero-sum game, and it’s important to approach each connection with the mindset that you can help each other. Whether it's providing advice, sharing opportunities, or making introductions, a win-win approach is the foundation of long-lasting relationships.

Cultivating Influence: The Long-Term Impact

Networking is a long game. The relationships you cultivate today may not bear fruit immediately, but with time and care, they can significantly expand your influence. By focusing on adding value and building authentic connections, you’ll create a strong network that supports your personal and professional growth.

The Role of Employee Pulse Survey Tools in Internal Relationships

Just as networking expands your external influence, maintaining healthy relationships within your organization is crucial. Tools like employee pulse surveys provide insights into team dynamics, allowing you to understand what’s working and where improvements are needed. By fostering strong internal relationships, you ensure that your influence grows from within, creating a collaborative and supportive environment for all.

So, as you look to build your external network, remember the importance of nurturing internal connections too. After all, influence starts from within.

Danielle Bennet is a former businesswoman who ventured into entrepreneurship to gain precious independence. Writing is one of her passions and allows her to keep up with the trends while sharing her interests and insights.