
How proper tire research can save you hundreds when purchasing new tires

By Business OutstandersPUBLISHED: November 19, 18:11UPDATED: November 19, 18:14 14320
tire research

Purchasing new tires is something everyone has to do, and for most it can be a real chore to do and something they absolutely hate doing. The thought of taking your car down to the local tire centre to get new tires can be a daunting task, not only due to not knowing what to buy, but also being worried you’ll pay more than you need to.

There isn’t a much worse feeling than shelling out a small fortune on new tires only to find out later you either got the wrong ones or you could’ve gotten them cheaper elsewhere. For example, you go down to your local tire centre to get some new tires, only to find out you could’ve gotten a better set of Dick-Cepek Tires, if you’d taken a few minutes to check online you would’ve found a much better deal.

In this article, we’ll be taking a look into how taking some extra time before buying your new set of tires could save you both time and money.


Over time tires have slowly crept up in price, and depending which ones you get, can run you back quite a considerable amount of money if you’re not careful. For example, if you have a sports car and low-profile tires, each tire could set you back hundreds of dollars for the top-quality sets.

The same tire in two different places could have a significantly different price as some companies will be offering promotions or deals for new customers. This means there’s a potential to get the same tires, you could be saving a fair amount of money.

Choosing the right tire for you

Making sure you buy the right tire for your vehicle is key to ensuring you don’t end up both overpaying and buying twice. For example, a small run around car won’t need sports performance tires and as such will be much cheaper, so it’s good to know exactly what your car needs before you go in. check to see what size your tires are as well as this can also affect how much they are.

You also need to take into consideration the weather. For example, if you live somewhere where it rarely snows, you know you’ll be fine with standard tires, however if you expect snow on a regular occasion or even just more frequently, then winter snow tires may be a good idea, however these do come at a premium compared to normal ones.

Use comparison websites

If you’re looking to find the best price for your tires, it can be a good idea to check on comparison websites. There are a lot of websites out there that will list local dealerships and their costs of tires in price order. You’re able to select which tires you need and filter it to fit your requirements such as price or rating.

This is a great way to ensure you’re not paying over the odds for your tires and means you won’t be going in blind when going to the tire centre as you’ll have a price already in mind before going.

Go directly to the company

If you know what brand you want or you’re looking for more performance tires, you can also go directly to the company website, where they will normally list the local dealerships that are selling their tires. This is a great way to ensure you’re going with a reputable company, and you know you’ll be getting the best quality tire for your money. However as mentioned above ensure you know what type of tires your car needs beforehand.

With how expensive tires are getting these days, it’s a great idea to ensure you’re doing everything possible to save where you can and ensure you’re not being ripped off. Its always best with the resources now available to do as much research as possible before buying. Will you be using these tips?


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