Digital Marketing

How to Craft Engaging Instagram Comments for Business Growth

By Business OutstandersPUBLISHED: October 18, 9:48UPDATED: October 18, 9:54
How to Craft Engaging Instagram Comments for Business Growth

Did you know that Instagram comments play a significant role in unlocking the power of engagement? Comments influence Instagram’s algorithm and can become your powerful business growth strategy. In this post, you’ll discover why comments matter for business growth and how you can create engaging comments.

Importance of Real Comments on Instagram

Comments on the Instagram business account become the most impactful tool for businesses seeking to develop a loyal customer base and expand their reach. The comment option under any Instagram post allows users to show their interest and appreciation for the post, give feedback about the product or service, inquire about offerings, etc.

Before understanding how to create compelling comments, let’s understand why they are important.

-       Instagram’s algorithm values comments

The ever-evolving algorithm of Instagram focuses on engagement and factors impacting users’ engagement. Lots of genuine comments on your content give a strong signal to the algorithm that your content is interesting for the audience and sparks meaningful conversation. This results in the improved visibility of your post by the platform.

-       Expand your reach

A growing comment section attracts more people to a post and exposes your brand or business to a wider audience. When your post produces meaningful discussions, it increases the chances of appearing on the Explore page.

-       Boost engagement rate

As mentioned above, comments are beneficial for boosting engagement on the content and the channel. The improved engagement can benefit your business in reaching a broader audience, maximizing brand awareness, and enhancing the possibility of generating more leads.

-       Social proof and brand credibility

Receiving plenty of comments from real people and responding to them is solid social proof that you value your customers’ feedback and are interested in developing strong relationships with them. When any user mentions you in their Instagram posts, comments, or stories and you respond to them honestly, it makes them feel connected with you.

Addressing the customers’ queries quickly shows the quality of your customer service and your brand’s work ethic. As a result, loyal users or customers will spread positive word-of-mouth and enhance your brand reputation and credibility.

What and How to Comment on Instagram for Business Growth?

There is no one-size-fits-all strategy for comment creation and increasing Instagram growth. It may vary based on different factors, however, you can opt for the following proven tips to create engaging comments on your Instagram posts and others’ content.

  1. Respond thoughtfully

Don’t forget that every comment on Instagram and other social networks warrants a certain response. Make sure that you respond based on the comments you are receiving. For example, if you are receiving positive feedback in the comments, acknowledge it with gratitude and reply to them with thanks comments.

Similarly, if you are getting negative comments for customer service issues, you must respond to them with sorry replies and provide support. Show your responsibility for the concern and don’t overpromise unless you are 100% confirmed about offering what they expect or want. Be sure to follow Instagram’s community guidelines before commenting on anything.

  1. Respond timely

Like customers, Instagram users don’t like to wait for the response to their comments. When your followers ask for something through comments such as product availability, shipping, etc. give a prompt reply to them, mainly within the initial 24 hours. You can use Instagram’s quick replies to respond to queries without writing the same comment again and again. Timely responses can make your followers feel more valued and develop trustworthy relationships with them.

  1. Ask questions

An excellent way to bring engagement is by asking questions in comments. Ask your followers questions that they are interested in answering. It will encourage users to respond to your comments thereby, bringing more comments to your content. Moreover, it works as a beneficial opportunity for market research.

  1. Interact like humans

When people comment on an Instagram post, they expect a positive conversational interaction with a human being rather than a bot or computer program. Craft comments that make users feel that you understand their concerns and are actively trying to solve their issues. Interact like a human instead of a brand promoting itself on the platform. Make sure that your audience never feels a lack of empathy and interest from your end.

  1. Greet your audience

Show your appreciation and gratitude by including ‘Thank you for your feedback’, ‘Hope to hear from you again’, etc. in your comments. It will represent the ethics of your brand and improve overall brand recognition and reputation. Additionally, you can add a touch of things portrayed informally to expand your greetings.

  1. Everyone loves humor

Adding a touch of humor, fun, or comedy in your Instagram comments can allow you to connect effectively with your followers. You can add references to trending memes, current affairs, TV show dialogues, etc. in your comments to show a sense of humor in front of your potential users. 

  1. Put related emojis

The widely used and viral emojis are common in Instagram posts and comments as they add an engaging and fun tone to the interactions. More brands and businesses are responding to their followers’ comments with engaging emojis to connect with them quickly. According to a study report, about 92% of online users leverage emojis. Use emojis that best align with your brand tone.   

  1. Never ask for personal information in the comments section

If someone is commenting on your posts to resolve their issues and you need some of their details for resolution, then never ask for it in the comments section. You can request them to reach you through DMs (direct messages) and share essential personal details privately to respect their privacy.

  1. Comment on other users’ and creators’ posts

Simply responding to your followers’ comments is not the right way to engage with your target audience. You must also comment on posts of your followers, other brands, influencers, and creators in the relevant market. Write comments appreciatively and conversationally to drive new followers and expand your brand’s online presence.